The Mind of a Progressive…


When demonization is directed at various public officials, such as Obama and Clinton, it is clear that one feels threatened by their activity or, as in Clinton’s case, potential activity as President. It is always about fear of change or a threat to the current behavioral regimen that is threatened by realignment of values. A Progressive approach to life and living gives rise to new ways of thinking and being. It often forces us to look at our ways of thinking and our prejudices, some of which were formed by legislative and religious bodies no longer as influential amongst the general populace. The social pendulum appears to be seriously swinging toward a liberal POV and that is threatening to the many who are shaken by change as if the very ground they walk on is trembling. Change is inevitable. The frequency, duration and intensity of change is what distinguishes one kind of change from another. There is a tectonic shift going on among the social plates known to be stable in our past but now taking on the current momentum stirred up by the desire to drop religious pretenses to piety through social behavior. Rules of order and appropriate behavior are now encouraged to be innate rather than external as religion and certain philosophical approaches are questioned as to their veracity, value and ultimate effectiveness.

About Ed Anderson

I am "non-religious", not an atheist as some suppose, since after reading what I have written many wonder if I believe in "God", I just don't have a name for the concept, "God", nor do I have an origination story or theological mystery tour to stretch your faith. (I have no proof of what I believe and I wonder if my belief in "God" is supportable as I have increasing doubts.) I just can't accept an inflexible point of view that says, "I know what you need, and I know what you should know and here it is, you can have it too." Religionists present yet another obstacle to finding "truth" as they claim to have succeeded exclusively in finding it. Having been a part of the religious scene for years it is clear to me how easily duped we are to believe in something we have no proof of, has caused an abundance of divisions, and "territorialized" people into believers and non-believers. Furthermore, my belief in "God" equates to the larger perspective which includes an awareness of "God" in everything. I speculate at times whether or not consciousness is "God" So, my belief in "God" does not necessarily match up to the Christian/Judaeo tradition of a being existing somewhere in the beyond or in one's "heart". If there is a "God" he/she/it could be anywhere and in anything. Though I believe in God, it is not a belief in the God of Scripture. Too many “holes” in Scripture to satisfy my inquiring mind. It may indeed point me in the right direction but I find it not only unreliable but full of plagiaristic thought and re-writing of some of history’s interesting solutions. I much prefer to trust the minds of men and women who conjecture on the basis of what we now know of our universe than those men and women who trust the minds of ancient spiritual guides who, in turn, contributed to a book allegedly “inspired” by God. It is all unprovable, either side of this argument, but I prefer to invest most of my thinking in current ideas rather than those that show little support in logic. Do I hear an "Amen"? View all posts by Ed Anderson

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